The U.S. currently levies a 21% tax rate at the federal level and an average tax of 4% at the state and local level. The average corporate tax rate worldwide is 22.6%. Opponents of argue that raising the rate will discourage foreign investment and hurt the economy. Proponents argue that the profits corporations generate should be taxed just like citizen’s taxes.
Do you feel there's a moral obligation for corporations to pay a certain level of taxes, or is their primary duty to maximize profits for shareholders?
How do you feel about the idea that big corporations should pay more taxes than small businesses?
If a company making billions in profit pays less tax than your family, how does that make you feel?
Can raising taxes on large corporations lead to better public services, or will it just push companies away?
Do you think it's fair for a company to move its headquarters to another country to pay less tax?
How would you feel if you knew a giant tech company paid zero dollars in federal taxes some years?
What impact do you think corporate taxes have on the price of products we buy every day?
If a company avoids paying taxes, does that influence your opinion or willingness to buy from them?
How important is it for big companies to contribute to the society and community they operate in?
In your view, should the tax system be adjusted to ensure more fairness between individuals and corporations?