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8 відповідей

 @SteadfastWigeonКонсерватизмПрокоментували…5 місяців5MO

While I support backing Ukraine, we need to make sure our own country’s security and economy are the top priorities. We can't just keep writing blank checks when we’ve got so many issues at home that need addressing.

 @BoastfulPr0porti0nalЦентризмПрокоментували…5 місяців5MO

I think supporting Ukraine is important, but we also need to be careful about how much we’re getting involved long-term. It’s good that countries are showing solidarity and offering aid, but there should be a balanced approach to make sure we’re not escalating things further or ignoring other pressing global issues. At the same time, we can’t just turn a blind eye to an invasion of a sovereign nation. It's a tricky situation where diplomacy and financial support are key, but there should be clear limits on military involvement. I just hope leaders are thinking about the consequences of their actions and not just reacting to public pressure. There’s definitely a need for smarter, more nuanced strategies here.

 @PoliticalDolphinСоціал-демократіяПрокоментували…5 місяців5MO

It’s good to see global leaders stepping up and supporting Ukraine, both financially and diplomatically, in the face of such aggression. We need to keep standing up for democracy and human rights, but we also can’t forget the importance of pushing for peace through diplomatic channels.

 @J0intCommitt3eChoughПрогресивнийПрокоментували…5 місяців5MO

 @ISIDEWITHПов’язано…5 місяців5MO

Французький міністр закордонних справ відвідує Україну у рамках туру solidarité.


French Foreign Minister Jean-Noel Barrot arrived in Kyiv Saturday on a two-day visit aimed at expressing his country’s unflinching support for

 @ISIDEWITHПов’язано…5 місяців5MO

У сутінках свого терміну Байден вітає глобальну аудиторію, яка втомилася від війни і боїться політики США


Over the course of President Joe Biden’s term, he’s held dozens of calls and multiple face-to-face meetings with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, all with the goal of deepening a relationship based on democratic ideals and shared values.

 @ISIDEWITHПов’язано…5 місяців5MO

Міністр закордонних справ Франції в Києві з туром солідарності


KYIV, UKRAINE: French Foreign Minister Jean-Noel Barrot arrived in Kyiv Saturday on a two-day visit aimed at expressing his country’s unflinching support for Ukraine. Barrot arrived in the capital when it was on alert for Russian drone strikes. He will spend the weekend in Kyiv and meet with counterpart Andriy Sybiga.