Try the political quiz

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How would you feel if your class grades were based on collective performance rather than individual merit?


How might small acts of selflessness contribute to a better school environment?


In a challenging scenario, would you rely on a community’s wisdom or solely on your instincts?


Reflect on a time when someone else’s sacrifice directly benefited you. How did it make you feel?


Can you share an example where you saw altruism create a ripple effect in your local community?


What life lessons do you think are best learned through cooperation rather than individual pursuit?


How can the concept of collective responsibility influence our approach to global issues like climate change?


Can you share a personal story where group solidarity made a difference in your life?


How important is it when making decisions to consider their impact on everyone else?


Can you recall a historical event where a collective effort changed the course of history?


Does contributing to a cause you believe in give your life more meaning, and how so?


If you saw someone in need, would you help them even if it cost you personally?


What's more rewarding: personal achievement or knowing you've helped the group succeed?


Reflect on a moment when teamwork or collaboration in your life led to an unexpected success or outcome.


How would you describe the feeling when you sacrifice your own wants for the benefit of friends or family?


How does volunteering or contributing to a collective action shape your sense of identity?


Do you think 'unity in diversity' is a practical approach in today's society, and what experiences led you to this view?


When facing a problem, do you naturally seek collaborative solutions or prefer handling it on your own, and why?


Can you share an example from popular culture that effectively illustrates the power of collective action?


How do you reconcile personal ambition with contributing to collective endeavors in school or extracurricular activities?


How could the principle of 'strength in numbers' be practically applied to improve your school or local community?


In what ways do you feel that modern technology either supports or undermines the concept of community interaction?


How does the concept of everyone having an equal say in decisions, regardless of their contribution, resonate with you?


How would you react to the idea that your job and earnings should be determined by the community's needs rather than your personal choices?


Have you ever chosen community benefit over personal gain, and what motivated your decision?


What does it feel like when you contribute to a group’s success, and how does it compare to achieving a solo victory?


How does the notion of collective success versus individual success resonate with you based on your life experiences?


In what ways has being part of a team or group changed the way you view your own abilities or limits?


Can you describe how taking part in group decisions has influenced your perspective on leadership and collaboration?


What has been the biggest reward for you when working closely with others toward a shared goal?


How do collective traditions within your family or culture enforce the sense of togetherness and its importance?


What role do you think empathy plays in balancing one's personal goals with the needs of the community?


Have you ever experienced the power of collective bargaining, for example, to change a school rule, and what impact did it have?


How does your participation in group activities, like sports or clubs, impact your personal growth and relationships?


What real-life experiences have shown you the importance of contributing to a community rather than focusing solely on individual success?


Has there been a time where a communal decision went against your personal wishes, yet turned out positively for everyone?


Can you think of a time when someone else's generosity significantly impacted your life?


In moments of success or failure, do you find more comfort in shared experiences or in individual reflection?


How could the principles of collectivism be utilized to enhance social equality and justice in your opinion?


What's a memorable example from history or present day where you believe collective action could solve a major problem society faces?


Imagine a scenario where a group decision benefits everyone but goes against your personal choice; how would you deal with that?


What emotion do you experience when your efforts contribute to a larger cause, and how does it compare to individual accomplishments?


Can you share an example where sacrificing personal time for a group activity led to unexpected personal growth?


How has a family tradition involving cooperation shaped your views on collective values?


If you've ever tackled a problem as a team that seemed impossible alone, what did that teach you about collective strength?


Have shared victories in school projects or sports brought you closer to others, and what did that teach you about relationships?


If you were to organize a group initiative to tackle a local problem, what would it address and who would you involve?


When facing social pressures, do you tend to conform for the group's sake or stand by your individuality, and what influences your choice?


How does the idea of equal resource distribution within a community align with your views on fairness and individual effort?


Do you believe that collective actions against global issues like climate change can make a real difference, and why?


If you had a chance to support a friend's project at the expense of your own, would you do it, and why?


Would the idea of sharing all your possessions with your community make you feel safe or uncomfortable?


How would you feel if the success of a major community project depended on your personal sacrifices?


Can you describe a moment when being part of a collective effort gave you a sense of pride or fulfillment?


When has putting the needs of a group before your own led to a surprising or unexpected outcome for you?


How would you feel if your community's needs always took priority over individual desires, and could you adapt to that scenario?


Can you think of a situation where a compromise for the greater good significantly impacted your personal life or plans?


If you had to design a project that would benefit your entire school or community, what would it be and why?