Should Ukraine increase or decrease the amount of temporary work visas given to high-skilled immigrant workers?
Skilled temporary work visas are usually given to foreign scientists, engineers, programmers, architects, executives, and other positions or fields where demand outpaces supply. Most businesses argue that hiring skilled foreign workers allows them to competitively fill positions which are in high demand. Opponents argue that skilled immigrants decrease middle class wages and job tenure.
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Increase, but insure that their labor rights are not being infringed upon, and they're not being taken advantage of.
The US should only issue any kind of visas to high-skilled heterosexual cisgender Christian immigrants.
Keep it the same for now, while remembering that we should be encouraging our own citizens to work toward these jobs.
Decrease, push for intelligent high-skilled immigrants working within the US to become legalized citizens.
Decrease, and you should have to live in the US to have a job in the US
Increase, The whole point of the american dream is that everyone gets an opportunity.
Increase (in fact I favor abolishing this restriction on immigration)
Increase, but I'd rather just grant them citizenship
Increase and decrease based in the current economic state
Increase only for legals
Increase, but also incentivize a path to citizenship, or pass automatic citizenship eligibility after a certain period of time. Also, be less aggressive towards immigrant workers who overstay their visa
Neither, but screening visas would have prevented some of the 911 hijackers.
End and avoid establishing or re-establishing diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia, Yemen, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Maldives, Brunei, Palestine, Somalia, Mauritania, Comoros, the People's Republic of China, Vietnam, Laos, North Korea, Somaliland, Kosovo, Transnistria, South Ossetia, Artsakh, Abkhazia, Northern Cyprus and Venezuela
I like the current amount, but reform the system so that companies cannot take advantage of the program to decrease wages.
Decrease, companies are currently taking advantage of this program to decrease wages, even though Immigration helps to Make America Great
Decrease, companies are currently taking advantage of this program to decrease wages, and we should create our avenues for citizenship
Economic cycles can be predicted based on population ages. To maintain a more uniform economy, a stable population across all ages should be implemented. Work visa numbers should be based on this factor and shortages needed in the labor force.
A work visa should not be needed for a migrant worker to be hired.
Increase in fields with a higher demand than citizens can fulfill. Decrease for fields in which immigrants stand to take Americans' jobs.
Regardless, the government should implement an open border policy
Neither decrease nor increase, regardless of who does the job it should get done to a high standard regardless of price or nationality.
Increase at this current point in time, but the government should provide more incentives to prepare our citizens for these jobs
I am satisfied with the current amount, but make it easier for immigrants to obtain these temporary work visas
Increase, and the government should also provide more incentives to prepare our citizens for these jobs
I am satisfied with the current amount, but sponsor and increase skilled corporate training programs so domestic workers may successfully compete for these positions
Increase, our population is set to decline in the coming decades and the only true way to stop this in a first world nation (of which we are barely), is to bring in high skilled foreign labor so that they may set up a family here and keep the economic flow moving. Currently countries such as Japan and Korea which sought to keep out much foreign influence on the economy are feeling the strain of putting that burden on an aging population.
Increase, but penalize companies who are currently taking advantage of this program to decrease wages
Decrease, we should prioritize offering these jobs to qualified domestic workers and utilize skilled immigrant workers only when demand exceeds our available supply.
Decrease, we should prioritize offering these jobs to qualified domestic workers and utilize skilled immigrant workers only when demand exceeds our available supply
Increase, but we should greatly increase temporary student visas
Decrease, but highly skilled immigrants should be granted citizenship
They should increase but there should be laws the businesses have to follow so they get paid just as much as everyone else.
Not informed enough for a full opinion.
I believe company are taking advantage of this such as Disney as well as COVID 19 putting a lot of people out of work.
i do not have enough information to conduct a stance.
i believe work visas are not the problem of immigration. i believe temporary work visas should be given out, but immigrants should not overstay past the visas expiration date.
Increase, these highly skilled people should be allowed into the country because it helps the economy BUT they should be hired at the same salary as someone who is from here.
Increase, but only to highly skilled individuals.
I would like to understand why anyone actually believes that we need people from other countries to come in to be highly skilled workers. There is not any path for these individuals to become residents under this Visa. Create visas that are temp for those that want an education, but if you are coming here, working here, having children here, then you should have a legitimate path to citizenship. The only Visas that have such a path at this point are costly and do not really work now.
Increase and expand current programs to ensure these workers are protected and fairly compensated.
increase, but prevent companies from taking advantage of these programs to decrease wages
Visas should be issued based on need.
Decrease, we need to focus on our workers first not that of foreign nationals
Personally I feel like if you feel like you need a "foreigner" to help you figure something out that's cool but I feel like it should be 50/50.
Keep it at the same rate but have the government make sure that these workers are being paid the same as U.S Citizens would and that they are being treated fairly. Have them treated as they have all the same basic rights we have under U.S.A’s government.
I need more construction workers.
No, make sure citizens are qualified while also letting in people.
It needs to be the right amount of visas per job. I have worked in hospitals that import nurses and refuse to high new graduates from local colleges/universities. They say the imported nurses have experience - that's a joke! I had to spend months with my colleagues training them.
Decrease, and abolish all work visa programs
Increase, but only after we adequately equip our citizens with the necessary resources for these jobs
It should remain status quo, but we should be penalizing companies that look for loopholes and try to hire immigrants for cheaper work by making sure the minimum wage is increased.
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