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Yes, based on each states standard of living.
Only heterosexual cisgender male Christians with citizenship, who do not receive any type of welfare, benefits or aid from the government, should be allowed to vote, and their age, race and creed should not be taken into consideration at all.
Yes, anyone who pays taxes (AKA has a job) should be required to vote.
Yes, but voters still need to be required to pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics in order to vote
Yes, but voters still should be required to pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics in order to vote
Yes, and lower the voting age to 17
Yes, and lower the voting age to 16
No, but those under 16 should not pay income tax
No, the voting age should be the age of majority which is decided at the state level
No. I believe that the writers of the Constitution were divinely inspired (I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). I personally believe that the reason they said only land-owning men should vote was to prevent the uneducated front making bad voting decisions. While I believe that women and non-property owners should be allowed to vote, I think it is wise to find a way to preserve the original intent. So perhaps voters should be required to pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics in order to vote. This should NOT include calling certain OPINIONS right or wrong.
No. I believe that the writers of the Constitution were divinely inspired (I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). I personally believe (not a church opinion or anything. My own) that the reason they said only land-owning men should vote was to prevent the uneducated from making bad voting decisions. While I believe that women and non-property owners should be allowed to vote, I think it is wise to find a way to preserve the original intent. So perhaps voters should be required to pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics in order to vote. This should NOT include calling certain OPINIONS right or wrong.
Personally I'm satisfied with the current voting age but if the majority of the people support a lower voting age I will support the popular will of the people.
No, but stop taxes those unable to vote (people who are not yet registered to vote)
No and abolish democracy
No, the voting age should be whatever the legal age is. IF there is a case to be made that the legal age should be moved up or down that's a separate issue, but the legal voting age should be whatever that legal age is.
No and only men 25 and older who haver either served in armed forces police or owned a business should be allowed to vote
It should remain varied state by state
No, the current age requirement of 18 is sufficient.
The voting age to be at the age of 21 years, repeal the 26th amendment
No. It should be raised to 21.
Yes, but voters under the age of 18 should be required to take a test about simple plitical issues before they can vote.
No, but allow citizens who are 17 years old during a Primary Election to vote if they will turn 18 on or before the General Election
No, If you pay taxes and are 18 u should be automatically registered to vote but only allowed to vote after you fill out a thurough test like this that matches you up with the right candidate and helps you make a more informed decision.
I think the voting age is good where it currently is.
Yes, voting should be extended to all high school graduates.
If you are in the military, you should be able to vote at any age.
no because some people are gonna be immature about it and that is why it should stay the same
No, and maybe raise it. But in the name of no taxation without representation, abolish certain taxes for underage citizens.
No, but we should increase efforts to educate the youth about critical thinking and politics.
No, but we should allow people above the age of 18 to run for public office.
Yes, any citizen that pays taxes should be able to qualify to vote, but all voters should be required to pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics and current events, and all information needed to pass the test should be available online or otherwise to all potential voters.
Regardless, constitutional rights should be on a level playing field. If I have to be 21 to get a gun, the voting age should match or vice versa.
No. but the drinking and smoking age should be.
Minimum wage should be kept where it is at $7.50/$8.00 per hour.
Yes, but make all voters pass the same citizenship exam that is required for immigrants becoming US Citizens.
No, but don’t tax the income of citizens too young to vote. No taxation without representation.
No but voters should be required to pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics in order to vote
If they're under 18 and pay taxes, they have the right to vote. Or they shouldn't be taxed
Yes, if they pay taxes and have a basic understanding of politics and what they are voting for
No, and the age should be raised. Additionally while the age of enlistment for voluntary service should remain the same, the age an individual can be involuntarily drafted should be raised as well.
No, at the current age to vote every citizen should be required to pass a test demonstrating their understanding of politics, they would not fail or succeed at the test because it doesn't really matter and will allow the government to see where the weaker political parts of the country are
No, it should be raised to age 21
No, it should be raised to age 21 to help ensure a more well-informed, tax paying voter
Yes, the voting age should be relative to inauguration day, not election day.
Yes, but require voters to pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics and options.
I think if we lower the age a bunch of kids are immature and won't think about how the person is going to benefit our country.
No, it should be raised to age 21 to help ensure a more informed voting public
Leave it up to the states but set the range at 16-18
Yes, any citizen that passes a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics should be allowed to vote
Yes, but the voters have pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics in order to vote. Has to be at least 16 years old.l
No, but people under 18 years of age should not pay taxes, and everything should be legalized at 18
No but if you are 17 about to be 18 in an election you should be able to vote at 17.
no, any citizen who can fight for their country should be able to vote
Yes, nowadays most 16+ year olds are able to have a sense of what's going on and what's right and what wrong.
I believe that the minimum voting age should be 17.
Yes, I would prefer individuals as young as 15 to be allowed to vote with a parent or guardian's permission.
No, but don't tax any income earned under the legal voting age of 18.
Yes, any citizen that pays taxes should be allowed to vote, but all voters should be required to pass a very basic test to demonstrate their understanding of politics in order to vote.
No, but allow children born between Nov 4th and Dec 31st of the voting year to vote.
No, and voters should have a basic understanding of the candidates and what they what to do while in government
Yes, and also have a test seeing if they understand politics
Yes since some 16 and 17 year olds work and pay taxes. Those under 25 should be required to pass a political understanding test or have a high school diploma/GED since government is a graduation requirement in most schools. Also, any high school student should be able to vote in school board elections. Some states allow 17 year olds to vote in the primaries as long as they'll be 18 by the general election
No, and only property-owning (defined as owning any form of property in the country) confirmed Catholics should be able to vote. In a family, it is understood that property is shared by the spouses, and so both husband and wife, assuming they are both confirmed Catholics, should be able to vote.
Yes it should be lowered to at least 17. A high school senior taking Civics or Participation in Government should be able to vote
Yes, with the passing of the US Citizenship Test anyone under the age of 18 should be allowed
Yes, with the passing of the US Citizenship Test anyone under the age of 18 should be allowed starting at age 16
Yes, it should be lowered to allow 16-year-olds with the passing of the US Citizenship Test for individuals who would like to vote before the age of 18
No, the younger voters need to be able to mature and learn about both sides.
No only those who are 24 or older should vote
get rid of the minimum wage and replace it with a "starting wage" that improves with how hard you work
No, it should be raised, but have exceptions made for those in public service and for those who pay income taxes
If the results of the vote will affect you then you should be allowed to vote.
Voting eligibility should be decided through a test of the implacable knowledge of the government
You can Vote as soon as you Pass a civics class.
I say no because all the kids now a days only listen to the bad stuff social media says about people they never actually look into the facts, for instance, Donald Trump was accused of so much stuff he didn't do wrong, especially people calling him a racist and as soon as that got said on tiktok or some dumb app everyone hated him even though it wasn't true
No. The way changes are going about in school, with introduction of widely controversial ideas, children need to be allowed to be children for as long as possible. We need to introduce civics in every grade, but not one sided political thinking hoping to flip elections with highly brainwashed sixteens year old's who only know what their teacher, media, and parents have told them. Not from what they learned and have processed through readings of multitudes of historical political writers.
No, and voters should be required to pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics in order to vote and it should be raised
I think it's 18 so it's fine or if not 18 it should be 21.
all over 18 years has the right to vote
Yes, only if they are tax-paying, and every voter should have to pass a test on the understanding of basic politics.
No, but 16/17 year-olds shouldn't have to pay taxes if they can not vote.
No, but minors should not have to pay taxes.
No people should have to serve in the army or national guard before they are allowed to vote
Yes, anyone who pays taxes and is educated in who to vote for should be aloud to vote.
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