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Yes, this system guarantees healthcare for everyone

No, I support universal healthcare but I prefer a multi-payer system (a mix of private and publicly-funded healthcare).


Basic healthcare for all but also allow private care for those who can afford it.


No, I support universal healthcare for everyone but I would prefer a two-tier/multi-payer system instead.

 @ThomasJ476 from Georgia  answered…3yrs3Y


No, I support universal healthcare for all citizens, but I would prefer a two-tier system that allows both private (but regulated) and public healthcare (with a right amount of government funding) to ensure high-quality care and services, so people can make a choice for which they would prefer.


No, I support universal healthcare for all citizens, but I would prefer a multi-payer system that allows both private and public healthcare (with a right amount of government funding) in order to provide better care and services, so people can make a choice for which they would prefer.

 @8ZTRX22 from North Carolina  answered…3yrs3Y

No, but not completely because I think thier should be a government chaos fund which would pay for severe conditions (cancer).

 @8ZSR5NL from GU  answered…3yrs3Y

No, I support universal healthcare for all citizens, but I'd prefer a two-tier system that allows both private (but highly regulated) and public healthcare (with more government funding) to ensure quality of care and services, along with government step-in to control the prices of drugs.


I support basic healthcare for all and private care available for those who can afford it.


Basic healthcare for all but allow private care for those who want to pay.

 @8ZSR5NL from GU  answered…3yrs3Y

No, I am all for universal healthcare, but I'd prefer a two-tier system that allows both private (highly regulated) and public healthcare (with more government funding) to ensure quality of care and services, along with government step-in to control the prices of drugs.




No, I support universal healthcare but not single-payer. Instead of implementing a single-payer system, we should have a private system that coexists within a public system to ensure quality of care and incentives for doctors.



Yes, but I do not want to pay for it. Private care should be an option also.


Yes, I support a basic healthcare for which includes free ambulance rides if necessary. Allow private care to be an option for those who want it.



Basic care for all citizens with private care available for those who want to pay.


Basic healthcare for every citizen but allow private care for those who are able to pay.


Basic care for every US citizen with the option to pay for private care if they choose so.



Basic healthcare for all but allow private companies the ability to provide care.


Basic healthcare for all but also allow private companies for those who want to pay extra.


Basic healthcare for all but allow private companies the ability to practice.


No, transition to a partial coverage option like France, and open the markets so that private insurers can compete across states lines


Basic healthcare for all citizens but allow private care for those who want to pay.



Basic healthcare for all and allow private care for non life-threatening procedures.


Basic healthcare for all and private care available for those who want to pay for better care.


Universal healthcare and pharma care. Allow private companies the right to exist for those who want to pay.



No, instead of completely implementing a single-payer system, a) people should be allowed to choose between private and public healthcare; b) costs of healthcare should be lowered as well; and c) find more ways to negotiate with healthcare insurance companies to make their prices more affordable.


Basic healthcare for all and private care for those who want to pay for better care.



Basic state ran healthcare and private care for those who want a better quality of care.


Basic state run healthcare and private car for those who want a better quality of care.


No, we should have a mix of private system that coexists within a public system to ensure quality of care and incentives for doctors, so people can choose which type of system they want. Furthermore, we should also decrease costs of healthcare and help provide for those who are low-income and the medically needy.


No, I support universal healthcare for everyone but not single-payer. Instead, we should have a private system that coexists within a public system to ensure quality of care and incentives for doctors, so people can chose which system they want. Furthermore, we should also decrease costs of healthcare and help provide for those who are low-income and the medically needy.


No, I support universal healthcare but not single-payer.
1) We should have a private system that coexists which a public system to ensure quality of care and incentives for doctors.
2) Medical billing and insurance reimbursements should be transparent with an upfront single price medical bill for treatment.
3) The uninsured should not have to pay more than the insured.
4) Simplify costs and simplify billing to reduce the massive overhead costs of medical insurance.


No, I support universal healthcare but not single-payer.
1) We should have a private system that coexists which a public system to ensure quality of care and incentives for doctors.
2) Medical billing and insurance reimbursements should be transparent with an upfront single price medical bill for treatment.
3) Simplify costs and billing to reduce the massive costs of medical insurance.


No, I support universal healthcare for everyone but not single-payer system. Instead, we should have a private system that coexists within a public system to ensure quality of care and incentives for doctors, so people can chose which system they want. Furthermore, we should also decrease costs of healthcare and help provide for those who are low-income and the medically needy.


No, we should have a private system that coexists within a public system to ensure quality of care and incentives for doctors, so people can choose which type of system they want. Furthermore, we should also decrease costs of healthcare and help provide for those who are low-income and the medically needy.


No, I support universal healthcare but not single-payer. 1) We should have a private system that coexists within a public system to ensure quality of care and incentives for doctors. 2) Medical billing and insurance reimbursements should be transparent with an upfront single price medical bill for treatment. 3) Simplify costs and billing to reduce the massive costs of medical insurance.


No, I support universal healthcare but not single-payer. Instead, we should have a private system that coexists within a public system to ensure quality of care and incentives for doctors.


No, I support universal healthcare for everyone but not single-payer. Instead, we should have a private system that coexists within a public system to ensure quality of care and incentives for doctors, so people can choose which system they want. Furthermore, we should also decrease costs of healthcare and help provide for those who are low-income and the medically needy.


Basic state/government run healthcare for all citizens but allow private care for those who want to pay for a better quality of care.


No, we should have a mix of private system that coexists within a public system to ensure quality of care and incentives for doctors, so people can choose which system they want. Furthermore, we should also decrease costs of healthcare and help provide for those who are low-income and the medically needy.


No, there should be a mix of private system that coexists within a public system to ensure quality of care and incentives for doctors, so people can choose which system they want. Otherwise, we should also decrease costs of healthcare and help provide for those who are low-income and the medically needy.


Basic healthcare for all citizens while also having private care an option for those who want to pay.


Yes, basic healthcare for all citizens but allow private care to be available for those who want to pay extra.

 @8Q7VBYD from New York  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but only in a gradual and carefully managed transition from a private system. It is a massive industry, and this move would have a huge impact on jobs in addition to care.

 @8Q8RMYM from Kentucky  answered…4yrs4Y

I do not believe there is a best single system, I believe an integrated system would work best for the American people.

 @8Q9PRKM from Illinois  answered…4yrs4Y

I think that while it is a good idea, people who don't often go to the hospital aren't paying for their own hospital stays but for others and while that is ok, I think that people should be able to opt out and if they do then they pay for their own hospital fees.


How does the way we approach healthcare reflect our values as a society, and what does it say about how we care for the most vulnerable among us?


Yes, but I'd need to learn a little more about it and see it successfully being used in another country. Maybe the U.S. could eventually try a trial run with it.


Do you believe that governments should control healthcare, or do private companies provide better solutions—and why do you think so?


How do you feel about the idea that healthcare should be considered a basic human right for everyone, regardless of their financial situation?


If everyone had access to the same healthcare, how do you think that would change the way we view our society and each other?


What do you think would be the biggest challenge in giving every citizen free healthcare, and how might we overcome it?


Should a person's health be influenced by where they live or their income, or should it be the same quality for everyone, no matter what?


How might having guaranteed healthcare change the way you view your own future, especially if you pursued a career with fewer benefits?


What would it feel like to never worry about medical bills—what kind of freedom would that give people, especially those who are struggling financially?


If a single-payer system was adopted in your country, what do you think would be the immediate impact on communities and the healthcare system overall?


Is there ever a point when someone's personal responsibility (e.g., diet, exercise) should influence how much healthcare they receive or pay for?

 @Brunk from Georgia  answered…4yrs4Y

 @88LK76J from Michigan  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes but allow people to use private insurance and don’t fund it through taxes.

  @8P6PWZP from Louisiana  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, and the entire healthcare and pharmaceutical industry should be nationalized.

 @8XNVQ8R from North Carolina  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but people/citizens should have to option to decline the single-payer healthcare system

 @94267X2 from Colorado  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8R2RMP3 from New York  answered…4yrs4Y

No, but drastically increase funding and expand eligibility for Medicaid.


Yes, but only after reworking the current budget to allocate funding to universal healthcare.

 @8WX365K from Kansas  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes but, people should be allowed to use privatized doctors if they prefer.

 @8QQ5NLZ from Indiana  answered…3yrs3Y


No, but businesses should not provide health insurance for their employees. It should be a direct market with consumers, who can select a public or private option with the company of their choice.

 @8VKGG3L from California  answered…3yrs3Y

No, but the government should have more involvement in private healthcare.

 @8VCMN27 from Missouri  answered…3yrs3Y

 @93VVP97 from New York  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8DPBPYY from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but allow manufacturers to sell healthcare items to them for ex. ventilators

  @8XVVHDP from New York  answered…3yrs3Y

  @michaelconnely from Nebraska  answered…3yrs3Y

 @6VWJ8PP from Wisconsin  answered…3yrs3Y

 @6VWJ8PP from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8H4DF7B from Arizona  answered…4yrs4Y

Reduce health care costs reasonably and give aid to struggling financially and allow people to choose government health care or private

 @8SXMZCP from Kansas  answered…4yrs4Y

 @IINXMP from Pennsylvania  answered…4yrs4Y