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일본에서 재심에서 무죄 선고받은 최장기 사형수


SHIZUOKA - The world’s longest-serving death row prisoner was acquitted by a Japanese court on Sept 26, more than a half a century after his 1968 murder conviction. Shizuoka District Court ruled that 88-year-old Iwao Hakamada was innocent, AFP reporters said, in a retrial obtained by the former boxer and his supporters a decade ago.


일본에서 가장 오랜 기간 사형수로 수감된 사람이 무죄 판결을 요구합니다.


The world's longest-serving death row prisoner hears from a Japanese court on Thursday if he will again face execution or finally be acquitted, a decade


일본 출신 전 권투 선수가 세계에서 가장 오랜 사형수였습니다 — 10년 만에 그가 결국 처형을 피할 수 있는지 알게 될 것입니다.


The world’s longest-serving death row prisoner hears from a Japanese court today if he will again face execution or finally be acquitted, a decade